Our primary source for the funding of parish activities is the free will offerings and tithes of the membership. The liturgical action of passing the offering baskets at Mass is not just a way of collecting the funds we need to operate; it also represents our growth in Christ and the offering sacrifice of praise. At Mass, we are becoming the self-giving love of Christ, and one way to show that is with the offering.
Our finances are maintained by staff personnel, watched over by the Parish Council and the Finance Committee, and audited by the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. The parish budget can be viewed at any Parish Council meeting, and each meeting generally has a report on the income and expenditures since the last meeting. Parish Council meetings are open to the members and the upcoming meetings are announced in the bulletin.
Each year the parish publishes a transparent financial statement showing all income and all expenditures and assets.
At the beginning of the year, we will send you a statement reporting your annual contributions, which can be used as a tax deduction if you itemize deductions.
The first collection each Sunday is for the general support of the parish (the beige baskets). Offerings for special purposes go in the green baskets.
Make an Online Contribution to the Parish
You can make a one-time donation, or set up a recurring donation each month, via Faith Direct. Faith Direct will send you cards to place in the offering plates at Mass.
Financial Pledge
Each year, on the Sunday where we give an accounting of our finances, we are invited to make a pledge of time, talents, and treasure. Epiphany is a large and complex organization and operates on a fiscal year that runs from July 1 through June 30th each year. In February, we start our annual budget process when our organizations and staff submit their proposed budgets for the coming year. It always helps our planning process if we have an estimate of what we will have to work with. That’s why the pledge process is so important.
Finances are only one part of the parish pledge. While we have a paid staff, Epiphany, like many other churches, cannot function without volunteers willing to share their time and talents- their knowledge and experience. The pledge form has room to write details of what you have to offer in this area.
When you register with the parish, you start getting our weekly envelopes in the mail. This regular packet has an envelope for each Sunday and Holy Day, plus the special collections. The envelope has a number on the upper right-hand corner which identifies you in our parish financial records. If you forget your envelope and write a check, please write your envelope number on the memo line.
Bill Pay Service
If you make donations to the church via a bill pay service, please put your envelope number in the details memo, That will allow us to add these donations to your records for accurate accounting at tax time. Find this info in the upper right corner of your envelopes.